There are many reasons things that can cause your nails to stain including chemicals from cleaning products, dyes from clothes, smoking, food, dehydrated nails, pigments in nail products or health problems like deficiencies and infections.
To be able to stop your nails from staining, you need to know what is the cause. Hiding the stains under nail polish is not a permanent solution and will still bother you. Here are some ways to help with this problem -
Apply a base coat for protection.
Scrub with toothpaste or baking soda.
Soak cotton pad in lemon juice and apply onto nails for 10/15 minutes.
Take Vitamin E to hydrate the nails and stimulate healthy nail growth.
Use tea tree oil on affected area.
Nail cleanser for cleaning the nails.
Light buffing.
Take a break from polish.
If you are worried about the health or colour of your nails, see your GP.